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The Book

Updated 3 August 2009

  1. Preface – (who to invite to open book?)
  2. Introduction (Kathy)
    • What is Twitter
    • What are “social media”
    • Getting started
    • How Twitter has evolved as a platform; the value brands are deriving from leveraging it; and our approach & metrics we are employing for the case study analyses (from Margery)

SECTION 1: Best Practices

  • What do we think are the best-practices that transcend vertical, communication type? Why?
  • 4-6 chapters (collaboratively – Kathy leading, examples from students)
  • Each Best Practice should have profiles from more than one vertical; some organizations may only appear in a best practice chapter
  • Proposed best practice buckets:
    1. Listen
      a) Learn from others
      b) Crawl before walking
    2. Understand
      a) Learn Twitter etiquette (@, RT, #)
      b) Develop policies on following, types of tweets
      c) Figure out who should be tweeting
    3. Act
      a) Be conversational
      b) Be transparent
      c) Respond quickly and appropriately
      d) Make it easy to find your tweets
    4. Evolve
      a) Assess
      b) Experiment

SECTION 2: Case Studies
aka Verticals [travel, wine, nonprofit, etc]

Each vertical should have call-outs from other students

  1. Call outs per Margery/Priti/Paolo brainstorm (tweet-like, illustrated with avatars)
  2. How many per chapter?

Each Vertical should have case studies:

  1. Open with a screenshot of the Brand/Organization’s Twitter page
  2. Frame the problem facing the organization
  3. Give background on previous use of social media both within in the company and within the industry
  4. Outline their Twitter strategy
  5. Explore the execution of the strategy
  6. Look at the results
  7. Conclude with interviews and lessons learned.
  • What’s Next (Kathy)
  • Credits
  • References
  • Annotated bibliography
  • Appendices: glossary, selected tools, resources, list of organizations mentioned w/twitter account(s)
  • Index
  • Audience: organizational communicators (government, business, non-profit), small business owners, entrepreneurs, media professionals

    6 Comments leave one →
    1. sophiakristina permalink
      25 June 2009 11:03 am

      Based on a tweet I posted asking what sections of a Twitter book people would be interested in reading, I got the following response:

      “I think the whole situation with Iran and Twitter is interesting. I guess there isn’t too much that has happened yet because Twitter is pretty new, but a chapter on Twitter and social movements would be interesting (that’s just the Sociologist in me talking).”

      • 15 July 2009 2:50 pm

        Communication is very powerful when you are trying to change or communicate a point of view.
        Social movements do have an advantage when they create their own story with social media. What about other movements like health care reform?

    2. pmottola permalink
      22 July 2009 9:32 am

      Regarding the preface, I think it’s be awesome to bring in one of the following people:

      Cass Sunstein
      One of the Mashable editors
      Chris Brogan

      Do I have contact with any of these people? No. But it’d be worth the ask.


    1. Week 3 – Brands on Twitter «
    2. Twitted by kegill
    3. Week 5 : Positioning Twitter As Communication Tool «

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